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Charming Guardians
A selection of precious charms and talisman. Pendants that give you powers, charming figures to protect your home. Enter the mystical and spiritual world of curio magic.
Magical Mysteries
Enter our world of true curios. Discover objects which will challenge your imagination. From kaleidoscopes and spiders to fantasy automata. These hand crafted pieces show amazing attention to detail. Unusual and playful wonders they are truly treasures to behold!
Creative Ceramics
Tactile, colourful and beautifully handcrafted ceramics. Unique, quality pieces from Czech makers, everyday objects are given a little twist, from precious bowls and cups to mystical and elegant figurines. Go on add a little curiomagic to your lives....
Mood Makers
Elegant and skillfully created pieces bring warmth and ambience to your life and home. Mood makers - modern hand crafted lighting and statue like incense burners. A real treat for the senses, so sit back and relax.......